Make your event eventful.
Hot young college students in your area want to make your night incredible.
We'll perform improv comedy at any event, any time, and any where*. We can turn your dinner into a dinner party. Your variety show into a talent extravaganza. Your important work meeting into a "Who-the-hell-let-these-guys-in-here?" debacle.
*Generally we'd like to be in the College Station/Bryan area. (Unless you can cover transport costs.)
Comedy? At my Event?

Corps Moms of TAMU
What will Freudian Slip do?
We act out comedic scenes made up entirely on the spot. Often, there will be a set of rules or a premise the players must abide by. For example, in the game Sit, Stand, Kneel, at any time one player must be sitting, one standing, and one kneeling. This nearly always leads to the physical comedy of the characters scrambling to assume an abandoned position. We have over a hundred games in our rolodex, and we'll handpick the ones that fit best for your audience, time slot, and location.


Third Floor Bryan
Why would I want Freudian Slip at my event?
Okay so, your 32nd Annual So-And-So Commemorative Dinner is bound to be a bit mundane. That's par for the course. However, say you scheduled a group of hip youths to provide your disillusioned guests with improvised comedy tailored just for the occasion. Well, Freudian Slip just might be able to bring back the novelty, spontaneity, and revelry that made the 1st Annual So-And-So Commemorative Dinner so memorable.
How do I get Freudian Slip at my event?
Just shoot us an email with the details of your event, and we'll assemble our members and come perform! Some things to note are:
-We can only yell so loud, so good acoustics or audio equipment might be helpful for open spaces.
-Any semblance of a stage or similar platform helps elevate our performance and can keep the audience more engaged.
-We are uniquely flexible performers and can adapt to essentially any situation that may arise. :)

Christmas in the Park - BCS

Sam Houston - KSHU Channel 7
Freudian Slip has proudly performed for: